Monday, June 9, 2014

The Letter

Dear Boris,

This may come as a shock to you, but I want to be as plain as I can, without being a pain in the ass.  I want to be gentle about this, but there really isn't any way I can get through this without presenting you with a "WTF" factor.  So, that said, here's the truth:

You're a creation from my subconscious, a person I deeply want to be, but can't be due to the differences in our Realities; yours, my imagination, and mine, the Real World.

One thing right off:  I'm not omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, or any other such thing.  I have no god complex, and, ahem!, heaven forbid that I ever do!

I'm just a guy who's had a ton of trouble over the years dealing with his inner demons of self-doubt and whose had trouble believing in himself.

So I created you.  The action was spontaneous. I needed to do it.  The why's and the wherefore's will come out soon enough, and I'd like you to just kind of...'take it on faith' present.

I want to utilize your existence to explore my own.  I hope that doesn't sound trite.  I  need an outlet, and creating you and the world you're living in is one way for me to keep my sanity, and come up with solutions to my problems.

Granted, by definition, your problems will be fictional, but they will still be mirrors of my own in some case.  They'll be separate--specific only to your own world--in others.

I'd like to suggest this as a guide:  That we, together, we open up the doors of our own creativity, and merge our intellects--mine within, and yours, extant--to realize just what we've wanted to realize all along:

That we matter, we care, and we're not as hopeless as we've set ourselves up thinking ourselves to be.  I'm a part of you, and you're a part of me.

That said, I'm asking you for your help and assistance, to, once and for all, help me find the place where I can be free and successful to be materially and spiritually free in my own reality, as you are going to be (foreshadowing ;->), in yours.

Stephen A. Brown, a/k/a, The Humble Fishe 

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